The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30 Episode 11 - The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
This week, the challenge is called Saved by the Bell, where 2 platforms are suspended 30 feet in the air above water and separated by 5 bells. The mission is to get from one platform to the other as many people on the team as can, but another team will be doing the same at the same time. Since Aneesa and Hunter won the Redemption challenge last week, they are team captains and got to pick the other two team captains.
Aneesa's team: Johnny, Jenna, Derek
Britni's team: Jordan, Tori, Tony
Hunter's team: Camilla, CT, Kailah
Nelson's team: Cara, Leroy, Jemmye
The first teams competing are Britni and Hunter's team. We learn about the rivalry between Kailah and Hunter from last season of Invasion but Hunter still chooses her for his team. Britni's team all fall trying to get to the second bell with the exception of Jordan. Jordan totally fools Camilla about helping her to the bell he is on, lets her fall and manages to make it to the other side. On Hunter's team, CT and Hunter make it to the other side, winning their heat.
The final two teams face off and only Leroy (of Nelson's team) makes it across despite his fear of heights. Derrick and Jenna make it across on Aneesa's team, with Jenna being the only girl to make it across and Derrick dedicated his completion to Little Derrick, his son.
The house goes out to celebrate (what exactly? I'm not sure). Hunter and Kailah get into it pretty quickly because "she hates the sound of [his] voice" and didn't make it to the platform on the other side. Hunter yells that he beat her man (Corey) twice and Kailah was crying over Corey because he f***** Camilla. In her interview, Britni lets us know she does not care for Kailah at all (and I kinda agree with her but I'm not competing for a million).
Hunter is trying to gauge where Nelson's head is as far as who he wants to go in the Presidio. Derrick overhears their discussion, things erupt between Nelson and Derrick, and Nelson is sent to a hotel for the night.
Production decides to send Nelson home because The Challenge does not condone violence but let's not forget last week when Camilla was calling Leroy all types of black MFers, so y'all allow inflammatory speaking (side-eye).
This episode ends with the winning team having to decide who they are sending into the Presidio, which we wont find out until next week..
Will I be tuning in next week to The Challenge: Dirty 30? I havent decided, but what are your predictions? Do you agree with the decision to send Nelson home? Do you agree with the decision not to send Camilla home?